Thanks to all. Love you all.
Thanks to all. Love you all.
It was a Cloudy day when Shah Rukh Khan reached Yaripora, stopped his car, came out, and started walking towards the Nunmai village of the Kulgam district.
His driver parked the card around the watershed Yaripora: Irrigation property (Tunki-Nish)
He was in Persian blue coat pants with black shoes. He always comes across as a romantic man.
Especially youth of Nunmai Village were excited: but maximum religious fundamentalists made a hue and cry after hearing that Shah Rukh Khan: coming to our village Nunmai.
Shah Rukh came to my home. My mother welcomed him and offered him a cup of Namkeen tea with the local roti.
Shahrukh said: what is this?
Mom replied: a sign of Kashmir (Smiled)
Shah Rukh smiled back and said: then I must taste it. He took the cup and sipped from the tea cup and replied, it is a Salty superb.
He drank half of the teacup and said thank you for your love.
Thanks, Nunmai Youth.
Finally, he said: he had to leave and reach Srinagar before 2 pm. come with me, dear Syeed.
Why not move?
I called my younger brother Basit came with us to Yaripora Khan Sir has to go.
My mom packed a Kashmir live hen in a bag, as usual, as the villagers do.
The head and back must be outside the bag.
I picked up the bag, started walking with Shah Rukh, and put my right arm on his shoulder. I was telling him about the secretive Kashmir and some Jokes.
We returned to the car parked at the watershed Yaripora.
All of a sudden, the chicken tore the bag and ran away.
We were running and trying to capture her. She went into the right-side colony of the watershed (Khan Mohallah)
We went into the Khan Mohallah and started the search operation. But, hundreds of people were on the road while a heavy vehicle truck was stuck, and people were trying to help.
Now it became very complicated to find her in the crowdy and noisy colony. I requested a few ladies: to help us to find brown chicken with white circular dots. If you catch the chicken: You will be rewarded: with one hundred rupees. At that moment, people are searching: for all that no one saw our brownish chicken. A little girl loudly said: that the brownish chicken took place on the bank of the stream. At the minimum, 5 to 9 people went quietly to capture the chicken.
Sadly, She flew and crossed the brook and went to another side.
Luckily, a teen girl was there who caught up with her, and we gave him 100 rupees as a reward. At that time, the hen is in my hands.
Bitterly, she was minimizing and losing weight. It was a bolt of blue. We all were shocked and started running towards Shahrukh Khan so that the hen would reach its actual size.
Shah Rukh, Thank God they are coming.
Me: I am sorry for wasting your time. I think the chicken spent years in the village and became very excited after entering the town of Yaripora in the Kulgam district.
Shah Rukh Khan replied: it seems the hen is diminutive now. Is she the same one, or Have you exchanged it with someone else?
Me: Sir, it is the same one: but I don't know what happen to her,
Shah Rukh smiled," it is an ok man.
Thanks for everything. Give me hen. I have to leave now: it is too late.
Shah Rukh lay hold of the hen in his hands.
The hen became so small as a pigeon seems the chicken has put off the flesh.
Alas, the chicken flew away.
Shah Rukh said, Oh my God, is it a ghost or some joke?
I replied: we are sorry about it: do not know what is happening?
However, it is Kashmir where anything is possible, and anything can happen.
Kashmir: the mystery and the magic.
Finally, Shah Rukh sir left, and I woke up. It was all greek to me.
This assembled image E and E1 is the fifth image of my committed world virtual tour hosting the world citizens flag at every regional centre envisioned by the WTA cosmo government.
Generally, I am assembling and posting these images to highlight
a fundamental cosmopolite existential and cultural doctrine that we all humans belong to a single community and oppose the nation-state systems that are sectional, militarised, Nationalistic, and nation-systems are constructing walls of hatred in the name of nationalism.
As a cosmopolite, I am attempting to decode the nationalistic governmental codes and those political forms that construct the walls of control and control an entire physical and documental identity that is un-natural and barbarian: Transform them into familism and cosmopolitanism structures developed by the WTACG: World through art Cosmo Government and WSA: world service authority.
I have planned to hoist 200 world citizen flags, compose the images digitally and post them on social media and websites for the immediate purpose of viewership: that surely will bring a change.
I have taken this image from the image archives: English: Mexico City Pride 2016 people updated on: 25 June 2016 by a Wikipedia user: Isaacvp.
I am using Microsoft paint and Adobe photoshop to compose the elements, using transparency and merging tools to recreate likeness accordingly for the particular purpose of change and transformation.
Wait for the Image: F, or the sixth image. Predict where I will move from Mexico?
The first three Whose speculation will be righteous will receive a handmade drawing or a painting by me. If? your Guess is valid. You can claim the Drawing or a painting by commenting on my Instagram or Facebook post (Image for 6). Send the screenshot to me. The screenshot must contain the date and time and your guess answer.
Guess now and Whatsapp me: +91 9419031809. Your comments are valuable.
Note: Other persons in these images are unknown to me. They are not participants in this advocacy of world citizenship and world law. Consider them cosmopolites or the part of this idea is imprecise. Maybe they are: but we can not label them without identification and verification.
visit the organisation: www.worldthroughart.com
Visit my profile page: www.syeedteeli.wordpress.com
My Instagram: https://instgram.com/syeed919
Thanking you
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